Thursday, February 13, 2025 12:28 pm UTC
Register | Identify | Access | Set | Drop | Recover | Release | Ghost | Info | List | Status
Syntax: REGISTER password
Registers your nickname in the NickServ database. Once your nick is registered, you can use the SET and ACCESS commands to configure your nick's settings as you like them. Make sure you remember the password you use when registering - you'll need it to make changes to your nick later. (Note that case matters! FIDO, Fido, and fido are all different passwords!)
Passwords should not be easily guessable. For example, using your real name as a password is a bad idea. Using your nickname as a password is a much worse idea and in fact, NickServ will not allow it. Also, short passwords are vulnerable to trial-and-error searches, so you should choose a password at least 5 characters long. Finally, the space character cannot be used in passwords.
Syntax: IDENTIFY password
Tells NickServ that you are really the owner of this nick. Many commands require you to authenticate yourself with this command before you use them. The password should be the same one you sent with the REGISTER command.
Syntax: ACCESS ADD [mask]
Modifies or displays the access list for your nick. This is the list of addresses which will be automatically recognized by NickServ as allowed to use the nick. If you want to use the nick from a different address, you need to send an IDENTIFY command to make NickServ recognize you.
Adds your current hostname to your access list.
ACCESS ADD achurch@*
Allows access to user achurch from any machine in the
ACCESS DEL achurch@*
Reverses the previous command
Displays the current access list.
Syntax: SET option parameters
Sets various nickname options. option can be one of:
Turns the automatic protection option for your nick on or off. With kill protection on, if another user tries to use your nick they will be given one minute to change to another nick. After which, their nick will be forcibly changed by NickServ.
Turns NickServ's security features on or off for your nick. With SECURE set, you must enter your password before you will be recognized as the owner of the nick, regardless of whether your address is on the access list. However, if you are on the access list, NickServ will not auto-kill you regardless of the setting of the KILL option.
Syntax: DROP
Drops your nickname from the NickServ database. A nick that has been dropped is free to anyone to re-register. In order to use this command, you must first identify with your password.
Syntax: RECOVER nickname [password]
Allows you to recover your nickname if someone else has taken it; this does the same thing that NickServ does automatically if someone steals a kill-protected nick.
When you give this command, NickServ will bring a fake user online with the same nickname as the user you're trying to recover your nick from. This causes the IRC servers to disconnect the other user. NickServ's fake user will remain online for one minute to ensure that the other user does not immediately reconnect; after that minute, you can reclaim your nick.
Alternatively, use the RELEASE command to get the nick back sooner.
In order to use the RECOVER command for a nick, your current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's access list, or you must supply the correct password for the nickname.